start pycharm error
I find that if i don’t start pycharm in window environment there was a problem called:WARN - s.impl.EditorColorsManagerImpl - Cannot find scheme: Vibrant Ink from plugin: com.intellij.database
So i cannot use pycharm in xmonad. At last i find the method to fix the problem in google.
Just export a variable
After that i can start pycharm, every thing is ok.
In order to simplify the command, because of hard to remember, i write an alias to .zshrc
1 | alias pycharm='export _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 && ~/Software/pycharm/pycharm-2019.3.3/bin/pycharm.sh &>/dev/null &' |
After doing this, every time i want start pycharm just only type pycharm in terminal.